pp108 : Generating Input and Output User Interfaces

Generating Input and Output User Interfaces

This topic describes the options available to generate the user interface of an XForm.

While creating an XForm using Web services, you can specify the interface to be generated for each Web service using the options available in the Select Web Service Operation dialog box.

The following options are available in the Select Web Service Operation dialog box for creating UI:

  • Generate UI for Input message
  • Generate UI for Output message

Selecting both the Generate UI for Input message and Generate UI for Output message options:

  • generates the input and output UI for the Web service.
  • creates a model.
  • creates the script for the on-click event handler of the button created in the UI.
  • creates a SOAP request in case of external Web services. You can view the SOAP request using the XML Editor.

The button added in the UI displays the name of the Web service operation. Clicking this button sends a request to the service group along with the parameters provided in the Input UI, and fetches the result. The response data, if generated, is displayed in the output UI.

Selecting the Generate UI for Input message option:

  • generates the input UI for the Web service.
  • creates a model.
  • creates the script for the on-click event handler of the button created in the input UI. You can edit this script using the Script Editor.
  • creates a SOAP request in case of external Web services. You can view the SOAP request using the XML Editor.

Selecting the Generate UI for Output message option:

  • generates the output UI for the Web service.
  • creates a model.
  • creates a SOAP request in case of external Web services. You can view the SOAP request using the XML Editor.

Clearing both the Generate UI for Input message and Generate UI for Output message options:

  • creates a model.
  • creates a SOAP request in case of external Web services. You can view the SOAP request using the XML Editor.


  • No UI is generated if both the Generate UI for Input message and Generate UI for Output message options are cleared in the Select Web Service dialog box.
  • If the header of a request contains information that must be sent with the request, the appropriate input UI is automatically created to collect relevant inputs. In such cases, select Generate UI for Input message to enable the generation of UI. Alternatively, you can specify the information required in the header using the request property of the xforms-onrequest event of the Web service.
  • Information from the header of a response is not displayed in the UI.

Related concepts

XForms Designer
XForms - A W3C standard

Related tasks

Creating XForms using Web Services
Creating XForms Dynamically

Related information

XForms API